Not once, but three times.

All within one year.

In that span of time, I’ve had to move on from 3 different companies. I got certified as an SEO copywriter, freelanced my way through unemployment, which denied me payout the second time around.

That’s when I knew I had to shift my focus. No-one would have my back. I was on scary ground. And everything was on the line including my 2 kids who depended on me.

I religiously began planning my days using the 5 Second Journal thanks to Mel Robbins who coached me through the Power of You course. I identified a project, “30 Jobs in 30 Days” where the end goal was to get me closer to financial sustainability with a full-time job.

Problem was, I am very self-driven and pretty soon, job-seeking took over my life.

I needed balance and the only way I could get there was…

  1. accept our current reality
  2. and do an intentional mindset shift

I hate ambiguity. I hate riding the wave of uncertainty. I have no crystal ball. Between me and my anxiety, I would prefer work, which helps me get out of my way.

So I’ve had to buckle down and even apply for administrative jobs. I even went back to my former employer and told them I was ready to teach a class. Immediately, she put my name on the list.

The Hardest Lesson of Job Loss

What’s the hardest lesson of job loss I’ve ever faced?

Trust supported by faith.

Trust is an inside job. I have always relied on a strong work ethic. Why wasn’t that getting me closer to where I needed to be financially?

A former therapist once said to me, “Knowing God has never left you penniless. …something always has come up!”

Well, here I was, rethinking through her words.


The Hebrew word for “trust.”

The trick is learning to do this trust thingie day in and out.

I can’t begin to tell you how many times I’ve cried myself to sleep, how many times I’ve prayed to God against a pathetic little bank account and no emails from prospects.

Bitachon has also catapulted me to pivot into doing good. Taking on a good deed like those I’ve documented on my Facebook author page and Instagram channels.

Because when you’re not obsessed with finding work, you free yourself.

I cannot begin to tell you how explosive mindset shift this has been.

It means I am not defined by work. It means I am not defined by a paycheck. It also means I can live life in some respects guilt free.

From this space, I started doing good just for the sake of good.

On my Facebook author page, I’d ask:

“Who needs nice warm challah fresh from the oven?

“Who needs a Friday night meal?”

On my Instagram channel, I’d post pictures of challah in honor of a person’s memory. This way, I’ve been able to use my social media voice and elevate the physical into the spiritual.


















Mental and Physical Exercise

I started reading one book a week and listening to audiobooks during workouts.

I read to my daughter at breakfast and bedtime. I went back to pitching freelance outlets and now I pitch 2-3 times a day.

If truth be told, I still get worried moments from time to time. I still become emotional and distraught. I still get resentful of other peoples’ success and fight God.  I still wonder about our family’s future. But truth be told, what good does all that frustration and worrying do?

Here’s what I posted earlier today on my Facebook wall:

Mindset Shift

“I pulled A from school to get her to her dentist appointment. The cobalt blue sky was stunning and it seemed as if overnight super bloom took over. (Trees and plants know what to do.) The amount of sun we Pittsburghers have been getting is beyond amazing, and for someone who suffers from SAD, I couldn’t be more thrilled. The walk was brisk yet hilly walking down and up Murray again. (“the mountain”)

Her class pizza party which they won during Purim was at 11:30 am and already I could see wouldn’t make it back in time. So I rescheduled the appointment right then and there.

This back and forth meant losing 90 minutes worth of work in addition to a networking meeting that started at 8:30am and working out. So basically, I lost 1/2 day of work searching for jobs. And being that Passover prep starts for me next week and A’s vacation starts next week, I need every hour I can get.


I decided then and there that crying over spilled milk isn’t worth it even considering our circumstances…

1. My beautiful daughter won’t be 5 years old forever
2. I am not my paycheck
3. She is precious and …
4. Look at all the calories I’m (we’re) burning on such a glorious day
5. I can’t make up those moments and time is our precious commodity (trite but true)

Anyone who knows me knows how much of a big deal this mindset shift is for me. #growthmindset #positivity #parenting

Over and out.


If you know of a group, authorpreneur or organization in need of SEO or copywriting support, feel free to contact me at and I’d be happy to set up a strategy call.