Many of my memoir writing students start the writing process with a very high level of enthusiasm. It’s wonderful to see. Somewhere along the line however, this energy wanes and comes to a halt. They prepare scaffolding activities and all exercises all very dutifully and then refrain from submitting the writing pieces. Once might say it’s a sign of cold feet. They got scared.

What really happened here is that they let go of perseverance. Unfortunately, they also unknowingly invited other unhealthy behaviors and emotions such as:


1. Toxic thoughts and emotions. According to Dr. Deepak Chopra, everything that happens in one’s mind has a physical representation in the brain. Everything that happens in the brain correlates with what is happening in the body. One’s perceptions, thoughts, feelings, emotions and memories, the images in the consciousness – all influence what’s happening in the brain. Neurotransmitters for example, has an effect on the body.

My memoir writing students are holding back for fear that they’re not  good writers, and they’re sending this negative message to their brain.

2. Speaking chills. Holding back from sharing their writing and this deeply rooted fear (or lack of perseverance) can sometimes create such stress that causes palpitations, shortness of breath and the pursuit of bad habits – like smoking, biting nails, and other stressful behaviors.  Even as I write this, I am working on eliminating nail biting completely.

3. Withdrawing from one’s creativity. This may sound like toxic emotions, but the truth is it also takes courage (or perseverance for that matter) to honor yourself as a writer or entrepreneur when you know you’re having it rough. When I interviewed Julia Cameron for my podcast Giving Voice to Your courage, she famously talked about taking oneself out on artist dates to fill up the well of creativity. I must admit I need to infuse more moments of filling up the well of creativity

Upgrading your mindset is the fastest way to go. Courage supported by faith.

How do you implement courage supported by faith on a daily basis?